Sunday, January 16, 2005

Odd and Ends

I was just wondering around reading these ongoing blogs, and asked myself what shall I post, what comes to mind? Im at a block so I will continue tomorrow with some exciting story( well I find it exciting) so much to learn reguarding this blogging, TA

It has to begin somewhere..

I suppose I should welcome myself,to the world that they call Blog~ Im not much of a writer,so Englsih majors you might want to pass this by~ I am not fimliar with blogging.. however I post soo much on Paul McCartneys official website .. I needed my messages or ramblings posted somewhere..after (12,000 postings it was needed)
I post so much in fact they end up in the cyber trash can if not updated frequently.. I suppose I better read up on this blogging..
Ta for now Harleyblues~